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March 2025

Join us for Saddle’s Release!

Saddle, our feistiest current patient, is ready to head back into the sea!  Help us wish Saddle farewell and good luck at Bahia Honda State Park (north beach)[…]

Boat Hit Turtle Updates

Many folks who have visited The Turtle Hospital in the past few months are inquiring about the progress of some of our boat hit survivors. […]

Welcome, Nicole!

Another loggerhead arrived at the Turtle Hospital after being picked up by FWC during the annual at-sea research.  A blood sample onboard showed the turtle[…]

So Long Alvarez!

With a big crowd gathered, (including the Alvarez family!), Alvarez was brought to Anne’s Beach to return to his big, blue home. On June 24th, at 1:30 pm,[…]

Jill, A Beautiful Green

On Sunday, June 17, the Turtle Hospital received a report about a sea turtle swimming in circles and floundering near a sand bar at Boca[…]

Fiesta, the Party Girl

Our newest patient, a 200-lb subadult (but nearly adult!) loggerhead, arrived June 21.  During FWC and NOAA’s annual on-water loggerhead round-up, collecting data on the turtle population[…]

Alvarez’s Release!

Rescued about two weeks ago off Key Largo, this subadult loggerhead is tagged and awaiting release!  Join us for a public send-off at Anne’s Beach[…]


On June 14th, of 2012 the Turtle Hospital received a report from the Alvarez family about a sub-adult loggerhead that was unable to dive offshore[…]

Mallory Beats the Laser

The day finally arrived when Mallory, a juvenile green, had strong enough blood chemistry to undergo laser surgery for FP tumor removals.  Mallory came in malnourished[…]

Farley’s Amputation Goes Swimmingly

Less than a week after admittance to The Turtle Hospital with a right front flipper entanglement, Farley underwent an amputation surgery.  The crab trap rope[…]

Saving Sea Turtles in Kansas

Pierce Saturday had never been to The Turtle Hospital prior to May 30, 2012. The 11-year old self-proclaimed sea turtle activist lives in Kansas–far from[…]

Farley, the “Fat Girl in a Little Coat”

Today was a BIG day for staff at The Turtle Hospital and for the Zinsmeister family.  Residents of Winter Haven, FL, Tom, Chris and Zach Zinsmeister came[…]

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