Saddle, our feistiest current patient, is ready to head back into the sea! Help us wish Saddle farewell and good luck at Bahia Honda State Park (north beach)[…]
Many folks who have visited The Turtle Hospital in the past few months are inquiring about the progress of some of our boat hit survivors. […]
Another loggerhead arrived at the Turtle Hospital after being picked up by FWC during the annual at-sea research. A blood sample onboard showed the turtle[…]
With a big crowd gathered, (including the Alvarez family!), Alvarez was brought to Anne’s Beach to return to his big, blue home. On June 24th, at 1:30 pm,[…]
On Sunday, June 17, the Turtle Hospital received a report about a sea turtle swimming in circles and floundering near a sand bar at Boca[…]
Our newest patient, a 200-lb subadult (but nearly adult!) loggerhead, arrived June 21. During FWC and NOAA’s annual on-water loggerhead round-up, collecting data on the turtle population[…]
Rescued about two weeks ago off Key Largo, this subadult loggerhead is tagged and awaiting release! Join us for a public send-off at Anne’s Beach[…]
On June 14th, of 2012 the Turtle Hospital received a report from the Alvarez family about a sub-adult loggerhead that was unable to dive offshore[…]
The day finally arrived when Mallory, a juvenile green, had strong enough blood chemistry to undergo laser surgery for FP tumor removals. Mallory came in malnourished[…]
Less than a week after admittance to The Turtle Hospital with a right front flipper entanglement, Farley underwent an amputation surgery. The crab trap rope[…]
Pierce Saturday had never been to The Turtle Hospital prior to May 30, 2012. The 11-year old self-proclaimed sea turtle activist lives in Kansas–far from[…]
Today was a BIG day for staff at The Turtle Hospital and for the Zinsmeister family. Residents of Winter Haven, FL, Tom, Chris and Zach Zinsmeister came[…]