Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Sombrero Beach, Marathon
Ambulance arrival 11:40 am

Luna |

Sonny |

Join us tomorrow for the release of Sonny & Luna, two juvenile green sea turtles. Sonny rescued on April 22, 2022 in Key Largo with a preadator attack and fibropapilloma tumors. The tumors removed and the wound has healed. With a healthy diet of mixed greens and antibotics that helped with the healing process. Sonny has now been cleared for release.
Luna rescued February, 18th 2022 by some paddle boarders in Big Coppitt Key in a canal. Luna had fibropapilloma tumors. This juvenile green turtle has had multiple surgeries. Treatment for her included antibiotics, vitamins and a healthy diet of mixed greens, squid and fish. Active, healthy and ready for release.
The ambulance will arrive promptly at 11:40 at Sombrero Beach and the two of them will be released at exactly 12:00 pm.
Hope to see you there!
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