“Dude”, an 80 pound juvenile green sea turtle, rescued off Key West in June of last year will be returning to her ocean home FRIDAY, March 8that 5:00 p.m.
Dude was treated for Fibropapillomatosis and an entanglement. Her treatment included disentanglement, tumor removal surgeries, broad spectrum antibiotics, fluids, vitamins, and a healthy diet of greens and mixed seafood. Dude is swimming strong and back in good health!
Join us FRIDAY at Sombrero Beach to help us cheer for this magnificent marine turtle as she returns to sea! The Turtle Hospital ambulance will arrive with Dude at 4:45 p.m. with release at 5:00 p.m. See you there!

One response
Great job you are doing.
The “turtles” thank you.