“Foxy Charlie”, a 180 pound sub-adult green sea turtle returned to her ocean home yesterday off Sombrero Beach in the heart of the Florida Keys! This beautiful marine turtle was fitted with a satellite transmitter tag courtesy of Sea Turtle Conservancy. The general public can follow the link here https://conserveturtles.org/stctrackingmap/?id=261 and track Foxy Charlie to see where she goes after leaving Sombrero Beach!
Foxy Charlie was rescued off Islamorada in the early fall where she was found with a 6 pound tumor and entangled in a commercial trap line. The reptile was taken to the Turtle Hospital where she was treated for Fibropapillomatosis and her entanglement injuries. Treatment included surgery to remove the giant tumor, broad spectrum antibiotics, vitamins, fluids and a healthy diet of greens and seafood.
Swim free Foxy Charlie! We are excited to see where your journey takes you!
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