The Turtle Hospital celebrated Earth Day 2010 by releasing a 200 pound sea turtle named Pal from Coco Plum Beach!
Pal, a large Loggerhead sea turtle, was returned to his ocean home in celebration of Earth Day. He was admitted to The Turtle Hospital two short months prior, suffering from an impaction. However with vegetable oil and fiber added to his squid breakfast, Pal quickly passed the blockage. Several well wishers and on-lookers arrived to say goodbye and watch Pal return home. The event also attracted media attention with CBS 4 Miami and CBS Nightly News. For more on his release and video footage please visit CBS 4 news online.
After Pal’s release, Turtle Hospital Director Richie Moretti and Administrator Ryan Butts visited The Dolphin Research Center to celebrate Earth Day with local students. Several facilities attended and spent the day educating the children on the importance of protecting Florida’s wildlife. The students were given the opportunity to meet “Scooter” The Turtle Hospital’s educational Loggerhead, and learn about the impact humans have on sea turtles and how they can help sea turtles survive!
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