Cooter B

Cooter B

Arrival Date: September 1, 2024

post Profile

Name: Cooter B

Species: Green Sea Turtle

Weight: 365 pounds 

Reason for visit: Entanglement, Boat strike, and Predator Attack

Location Found:  Jewfish Basin, Key West, FL

Status Report

09/01/24: A family out enjoying the sandbars off the coast of Key West came across a very large green sea turtle in need of help. With ropes, fishing line, and a lobster trap tangled around her soon discovered missing front right flipper, bite injuries to flippers, and a very large cut more than half way down her shell. This large gal named Cooter B, was not only a fighter but had been through so much. With the help of the coast guard, good samaritans, and the rescue team they were able to work together to help lift Cooter B and transfer her to The Turtle hospital. Upon arrival Cooter B went straight to the scale, a turtle of her size left everyone wanting to know just how big she was. Official intake weight of 365 pounds. Just 1 pound less than our largest Fab Five member Hanson Buoy who weighs 366 pounds. Due to her large size, the team was left to get creative to obtain her intake diagnostics. The team discovered that unfortunately due to the ropes and fishing line around her front right flipper, this limb has since been lost. Leaving behind the exposed bone to remain. Her shell currently has a long and deep cut through the middle, creating a compromised shell and open to infection. The Rehab team performed initial wound care and started Cooter B on antibiotics before setting Cooter B up in the large first quad in our main pool. Cooter B’s presence in this area has all our resident sea turtles curious about who is the new large sea turtle in their pool. Coming up to the side of the barrier and trying to say hello. Further diagnostics will be scheduled for Cooter B to help get a better understanding of her status, before any surgical intervention and care of her shell begins. In the meantime, stay tuned to learn more about this unique case and her journey to recovery.

09/03/24: Our incredible medical director made some calls and was able to schedule a CT scan at Animal Kingdom in Disney World. This facility houses the largest CT machine in the state of Florida, which is just what Cooter B needs to help in her care. We are so thankful for the veterinary team of Animal Kingdom for allowing us to use their equipment to help our largest post. With our rehab team on board our ambulance as well as additional team members ready to help in another vehicle, they made the drive up to Orlando for a truly magical day. Cooter B handled the long drive well, as this is her first road trip. Our team made sure she was comfortable throughout and checked her vitals consistently to ensure her stress did not get too high. The Animal Kingdom staff was excited to meet our large post and assisted in every step. After much anticipation Cooter B’s CT scan provided the necessary diagnostic information about her injuries, but with a unique surprise. Part of the prop from the boat strike was still stuck inside her shell! With this new information in hand the rehab team headed back to Marathon island, Dr. Norton will review this information and begin creating a plan of how to get Cooter B better.

09/6/24: Today is the big day, the rehab team has prepped and Dr. Norton has put together a surgical plan. Today Cooter B will have surgery to amputate the remaining bone that was left exposed from her injuries. Once complete, he will also address her shell, removing the infected debris and remaining prop material that is stuck within. With every member of the rehab team present, they worked together to first move our large post from the main pool to the surgical suite. Cooter B is a very strong lady and definitely gave the team a workout in prepping her for surgery. Once ready, Dr. Norton began the process of correcting this injury, due to the size of the wound Cooter B will have what is called a “tie-over” to help close the wound. This type of bandaging style is used to help in closing wounds that do not have enough skin present to close in a traditional manner. This area was protected with layers of antimicrobial gauze and bandaging to prevent infection. 

Next was to clean her shell. As Dr. Norton and team began removing the debris stuck in the area, it became clear this injury was very old. Creating more amazement in how resilient this species is in surviving. The large pieces of prop were removed as well as all the gunk of dirt and infected tissue. Topical antibiotics were added to the area for protection along with a gauze wrap to cover. As you can imagine it took our entire rehab team to help in lifting and rotating her for this process, a true test of physical strength in rehab care.

Cooter B did fantastic through the long surgery and wound care. She will recover back in the water once fully recovered, this is to ensure to keep Cooter b comfortable and stress low as he recovers. Her bandages will be changed every 2 days to prevent infection and monitor her healing.

09/14/24: Wound care has been going well with our largest post. At this rate Cooter B will be ready for release in no time. Her appetite has also increased and is currently enjoying foraging for sea grass alongside her best little friend Janice, a 24 pound young green sea turtle. The two love to take long naps together, camouflage into the algae, and take swim laps around their quad. We are glad to see the two both improving and hope you get to see this unique pair of besties during your visit to The Turtle Hospital. 

09/18/24: Cooter B has made huge strides in her recovery. Her surgical site where the exposed bone has healed perfectly. Dr. Norton performed an exam this week on Cooter B and has approved for her to be released! The rehab team has done an amazing job in her care, changing her bandages frequently, ensuring she has the right medications and diet to heal. Cooter B will be riding out to sea with the Marathon Coast Guard to help give her a head start on her journey farther out at sea. Make sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram for videos and pictures of her release.




On September 22, 2024 it was all hands on deck to help lift our big girl, Cooter B heads out to sea on the Marathon Coast Guard boat with the crew and The Turtle Hospital team. Local FWC also joined in the celebration to witness Cooter B swim out. We are so happy for another beautiful large Green Sea Turtle to return out to sea. Thank you to the Marathon Coast Guard servicemen and women for their help in making this release possible. 

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