Arrival: 6/9/16
Species: Green
Weight: 42 lbs
Location: Adams Cut, Key Largo
Reason: Boat Strike
Gender: Female

UPDATED: 6/24/16 I’m in water now. I have metal rods fastened to my shell with denture adhesive; it’s to hold my shell closer together while it heals.

UPDATED: 8/11/16 I’m in the Hurricane Tank, swimming with other turtles.

UPDATED: 9/16/16 I was fitted to day with temporary lead weights. This is to help me balance and get under the water better. So far they are working nicely.

UPDATED: 11/5/16 I’m getting there my wounds are pretty much healed.

UPDATED: 9/4/18 My yearly physical was in June; I have put on 29 lbs in two years. Living the life in the main pool with the other non-releasable turtles. Currently weighing in at 71 lbs.

UPDATE: 6/20/2019 Smalls had her annual Physical. Currently weighing in at (47.2 kg) 104 lbs. I guess you can say her favorite thing to do is eat. That is 33 lbs in less than a year.

UPDATE: 6/6/2022
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