Arrival Date: August 28, 2024

Patient Profile
Name: Squirt
Species: Green Sea Turtle
Weight: 9 pounds
Reason for visit: Fibropapillomatosis (FP)
Location Found: Summerland Key, FL
Status Report
08/28/24: While enjoying their backyard, a local resident noticed a small figure floating off in the distance. Quickly grabbing a pair of binoculars for a better view. They realized it was a young sea turtle in distress! As they headed out on their kayak to help, they made a quick call to our team to come pick up a new patient. We are thankful for our residents here in the keys as their love for our oceans and the wildlife that live within them help in everyday rescues like this. Named Squirt due to his small size, this little patient has a long road ahead as he is very sick with Fibropapillomatosis (FP) tumors.
09/07/24: This Green Sea turtle may be small, but his appetite isn’t! Squirt has been eating very well for his rehab team. At this time he is being fed via tongs as the Fibropapillomatosis (FP) tumors have affected his eyesight. The Rehab team only feeds this way or by hand for our visually impaired patients, as we encourage our patients to stay as wild as possible for when they return to the ocean they do not associate food with humans. Squirt is currently hanging closer to the surface of the water in his hospital tank due to his lack of vision. Dr. Norton will be examining Squirt in the coming days to determine a timeline for when Squirt can begin surgery to remove the many tumors throughout Squirts body.
09/22/24: This week was very different for our current patients and resident sea turtles. As Hurricane Helene made its way through the gulf, The Turtle hospital prepared for the worst by relocating our turtles to the hospital tanks on land and larger hurricane tanks on land. These tanks are built to withstand a CAT 5 hurricane. All sea turtles within the tidal pool were evacuated out as the storm surge could pose a serious danger to our turtles. Squirt was relocated to share a hospital tank with fellow FP patient Addie. A Green Sea turtle who arrived with a fish hook stuck in her esophagus. Squirt did a great job staying calm during the storm and was happy to share a tank with Addie. The Turtle Hospital was luckily only hit with heavy winds and rain, and back open to the public with minor damage from the strong winds. To see more on how we prepared our sea turtles for the storm check out our Instagram for videos.
09/28/22: After a few exams and diagnostics, Squirt has been cleared for surgery. He will soon begin his journey to a tumor free life with Dr. Norton and the rehab team. In the meantime, the rehab team ensures he is receiving all the support he needs in preparation. Squirt is doing his part as well by eating all his veggies and loves mackerel. Great job little buddy! Stay tuned for more updates on Squirt and make sure to wish him luck on his upcoming surgery during your next visit to The Turtle Hospital.
10/09/24: Today Squirt went on a road trip to Miami with our rehab team to see Dr. Karpinski, a veterinary ophthalmologist. She will be removing the many tumors located on Squirt’s eyes to help restore her eyesight. Once stable, Squirt will be transported back to our hospital to continue her recovery. Dr. Karpinski will also have Squirt started on an eye drop medication to prevent regrowth of the tumors to this area. Unfortunately there is a 35% chance these tumors return, this medication will prevent them from reappearing in this area while Squirt heals from surgery.