Lola & Number 3

These two adorable yearling (est.) green sea turtles were brought to the Turtle Hospital from Brevard County located on the mainland of Florida.

Lola only weighs about 4 pounds and has a hurt front right flipper and a hurt rear left flipper.  According to x-rays at the Turtle Hospital the front right flipper is broken and will be treated by our volunteer vets once Lola can put on a little weight (she’s rather skinny for a turtle her size).  Once she heals up Lola will be able to go back to her natural home, the ocean.

Number 3 just weighs about three pounds and was found lethargic and floating.  Once at the Turtle Hospital an x-ray showed that Number 3 had gas which was probably contributing to her floating.  Number 3 was given some vegetable oil to help her go to the bathroom and pass her gas.  It seemed to have worked because she can now sit on the bottom of her tank and swim around with no problems!  Like Lola, Number 3 is slightly underweight for a turtle her size.  She will need to gain some weight before we can release this little one back into its ocean home!

UPDATE:  As of mid-April Lola has finally  had her flipper surgery.  The little turtle is now healing with the help of antibiotics in her own tank!  She seems to be swimming around just fine!

Number 3 has recovered well and, in spite of his size, became a very difficult patient because he is so strong and energetic for a little guy.

RELEASED:  Lola and Number 3 were taken back to Brevard County for their release by Sue Schaf of FWC on May 24, 2011.  These two little greens were the first turtles released for new manager Jo Ellen Basile (pictured below with Lola and Number 3).  These cute little turtles swimming energetically in their tanks will be missed by all.


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March 2025