Joe Brock, a Loggerhead sea turtle who was rescued during the May 2005 Grand Prix Offshore Powerboat races is making a speedy recovery at The Turtle Hospital. Joe was spotted along the race course floating and unable to dive . Powerboat fans, Fish and Wildlife Officers and the Coast Guard were all involved in getting Joe Brock back to the Hospital Marina. Once at the Hospital it was determined through X-rays that Joe had an intestinal impaction…very similar to constipation. Over the past few months Joe has regained the ability to dive and is able to rest on the bottom of his tank. He will be ready for release in late August. The Turtle Hospital would like to thank all those involved in Joe Brock’s rescue and we would like to encourage anyone who spots a sick or injured sea turtle to call 1-888-404-FWCC.
RELEASED: Joe Brock was released on August 10, 2005 in the Florida Bay with Jason Kohler from The Marathon Weekly newspaper, Corinne Rose the Hospital’s Sea Turtle Rehab Specialist, Richie Moretti, the director of the Hospital, and summer volunteer Elaine Rindfuss.
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