Jack is a juvenile Green Sea Turtle that was recently rescued by snorklers aprox 2.25 miles South of Lower Matecumbe Key. The turtle has fibropapilloma tumors on the flippers, neck and eyes. The vision was impaired (due to the tumors) making it difficult for the small turtle to eat.
Dr Doug and Dr Jen from the Marathon Veterinary Hospital performed an endoscope procedure, looking inside the body cavity, inspecting the organs, to determine if any internal fibropapilloma tumors are present. No internal tumors were found.
The eye tumors were removed by laser but the remaining tumors will have to wait until the emaciated turtle’s strength has been built up by frequent feeding.
Jack was not able to regain his strength and has died. Having not eaten in some time, due to the eye tumors, the body had started consuming itself (found by necropsy). Jack also had internal tumors that would not be survivable
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