Cudjoe (May 17, 2008)
Cudjoe Key resident, Jim Worrell, was heading out from his home to do some fishing. In Bow Channel he spotted a turtle that was not acting normal. The 107 pound Loggerhead Sea Turtle was floating on the surface and when approached would try to dive but was unable to get under. Jim drove his boat back home and contacted the FWC who in turn called Ryan Butts, the Turtle Hospital administrator. Ryan happened to be in the area, on his day off, and met Jim who took him out to the turtle. Rescuing the turtle was a bit of a challenge as it would swim away when approached by the boat and the large net typically used for this situation was back at the hospital. Ryan was able to jump off the moving boat and manually capture the animal.
With help from his girl friend, her sister and Jim, they were able to get the turtle on to the boat. Staff picked up the turtle in the ambulance and processed it back at the Turtle Hospital. Evaluation of the X-rays indicate a possible lung infection which would cause the floating problem.
While Jim gave up time from fishing, he does get bragging rights for catch of the day.
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