Bubba, a 93 pound sub-adult Loggerhead, was rescued March 27th by good samaritans Buddy & Mary Ellen Norris near No Name Key. (Bubba is pictured above with his rescuers). Bubba was found struggling to dive and brought in shore where Turtle Hospital staff brought Bubba back to Marathon via Turtle Hospital ambulance! Preliminary x-rays ruled out impaction and blood work was sent to a lab. As it turns out, Bubba has a minor infection. Since he has begun antibiotic treatments, Bubba gives staff a hard time by opening his mouth and trying to bite when given an injection! In only one week Bubba appears less bouyant and more active. Staff expects a full recovery!
UPDATE April 11th:
Bubba is no longer floating! He is able to remain at the bottom of his treatment tank. This means that his infection is already clearing and Bubba is well on his way to recovery!
Turtle Hospital staff would like to thank Buddy and Mary Ellen for their generous donation. This donation will be used to help provide the food and antibiotics Bubba needs!
UPDATE May 1st:
Bubba was released from the beach at Coco Plum in Marathon!
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