Public Sea Turtle Release


On June 14th, of 2012 the Turtle Hospital received a report from the Alvarez family about a sub-adult loggerhead that was unable to dive offshore of Key Largo. They were able to get the loggerhead on to the boat and get him to shore to meet Gunnar from the Turtle Hospital. Named Alvarez after the family that rescued him, the turtle was a good weight and appeared to be healthy overall. Once back at the hospital, blood was drawn, x-rays were taken, and he was started on antibiotics. Alvarez is currently undergoing some rest and relaxation in one of the rehabilitation tanks and is anxiously awaiting release. Stay tuned to to find out when and where Alvarez will be released. Very special thanks to the Alvarez family for their dedication and hard work to help rescue this fiesty loggerhead. It’s because of people like them that the sea turtles have a fighting chance.

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