The Turtle Hospital. Rescue, Rehab, Release.

Keeping The Turtles Safe

On May 18, 2008 the annual Super Powerboat Grand Prix was held in the area waters in Marathon.


To ensure the boats (which can reach speeds in excess of 100 mph), don’t harm Sea Turtles or Marine Mammals, the Turtle Hospital coordinates inspection and monitoring of the race course by helicopter before, during and after the event. The “spotters” in the helo have the ability to hover over an animal on the race course (alerting and diverting the boat operators) or even stopping the race. The spotters are staff from the Turtle Hospital and Dolphin Research Center. The use of helicopters to keep the species safe has been employed for the last seven years and is also utilized during the Key West boat races.


Pictured above are Turtle Hospital  Administrator, Ryan Butts and Turtle Hospital Education Coordinator Pat Thomson.

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