Come wave good-bye to 200-lb loggerhead “Fiesta” on Saturday, October 20, from Higg’s Beach in Key West at 2:00 PM. Fiesta was rescued in June by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission and NOAA during at-sea research of the Keys’ loggerhead population and health. She suffered severe dual prop wounds along her mid-vertebral scutes. After months of deep wound care and broad spectrum antibiotics, healthy scar tissue has filled in the wounds so that she can be free of potential infection. Now fully recovered, diving well and enjoying hunting for the occasional lobster treat, she is ready to be back in her ocean home!
Higg’s Beach is located at 1000 Atlantic Blvd, Key West, behind Salute restaurant.

Fiesta cruises around in the natural tidal pool, surrounded by a school of fish, as she gears up for release this Saturday.
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