The Turtle Hospital hosted it’s 22nd Sea Turtle Workshop this weekend! Sea turtle professionals participated from all over the world, including visitors from Australia, Brazil, Bonaire, Tobago, Turks and Caicos, Belize, and Mexico! On Saturday, biologists and veterinarians from all different organizations presented on new and interesting developments in the sea turtle field.
The day ended with a barbeque hosted by Save-A-Turtle out near the turtle rehabilitation enclosure where we also celebrated Richie Moretti’s (Turtle Hospital founder & director) birthday! Sunday kicked off with a necropsy lab taught by Dr. Brian Stacy, a laser lab for use in surgery taught by Dr. Mader, and a lecture taught by Dr. Jeanette Wyneken.

Lasers were brought down from New York for trial tumor removal surgeries performed by veterinarians with help and tips by our own Dr. Mader.

Professionals learn techniques for performing a sea turtle necropsy as well as learning the reasons for sea turtle mortality. Samples from deceased turtles will be analyzed to help us understand how to help future turtles.
Thank you to all who participated! A lot of new information was learned that will help sea turtle centers around the world better care for and help the population of sea turtles everywhere!
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