Rehabber Marie Simpson stretches Good Hope’s front flippers during a daily physical therapy session. The PT will help stimulate blood flow, thereby increasing circulation in the flippers leading eventually to increased mobility.
The latest news update for “Good Hope” is somewhat positive, as she appears to be, ever so slowly, on the upswing. Again, her condition remains critical and we do not want to jump to conclusions, but optimism is important in a rehab environment! No eggs have been laid since the last 3 on September 6. In the meantime, we have begun physical therapy sessions to stretch the flippers and stimulate swimming. Slight movements of the front and rear flippers inside her rehab tank suggest she is gaining a bit of energy back. The new wound gel is also helping her flippers to heal faster, though it will still take a long time before she and her wounds are in the clear. Nevertheless, a onceover might suggest that she is, at the very least, feeling a bit better. Maybe down the road we’ll be seeing her act as her typical hawksbill self!
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