A couple of new turtles arrived on August 24th, the first can fit right in the palm of your hand. A tiny hatchling Loggerhead was found crawling around in the boys bathroom of a beach in Islamorada. Likely this turtle became disoriented by the bathroom light that shined through the night and was unable to find his way back to the ocean. Thanks to Trayce Zander for bringing him in! We’ve decided to nickname him ‘John’.
The next rescue was a turtle nicknamed ‘Moe’, found by Jennifer, Niel, and Phil who were out filming and researching the dolphins offshore of Stock Island. Although they didn’t spot any dolphins, they did stumble upon a turtle that was suffering with fibropapilloma tumors. They decided to name him after one of their favorite restaurant spots in Key West. Moe is weak from the tumors but has already began eating on his own! Once strong enough he will be able to undergo surgery.
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