Our smallest loggerhead turtles, Fisher and Finn, have matured quite a bit since their admittance to our hospital. Fisher arrived as a small post-hatchling. She is our education turtle and is part of a Head Start program after having been a participant in a sea turtle sex ratio study by FAU. We celebrated her first birthday just last month. On the other hand, Finn arrived in need of treatment back in April of this year. Though we don’t know for sure whether Finn is a male or female, most of our Rehab and Education staff is inclined to think this turtle has a feminine personality. Despite having only one fully functional flipper–the others just nubs from a predator attack–Finn has proven that she will have a good quality of life, even if she must remain in human care in the future. She has taught herself to dive, forage and rest on the bottom.
These two turtles are a favorite for many of the visitors to our hospital. Fisher’s obsession with her square PVC toy ceaselessly entertains, while Finn’s determination to swim is inspirational to many.
Come visit The Turtle Hospital to see loggerheads at this rare age! Not much is known about loggerhead post-hatchlings and young juveniles as they typically spend the first 3-5 years of their lives in the Gulf Stream. By maintaining medical files, noting behavioral observations and keeping growth logs, we are gaining a lot of scientific information that is not well-known in the sea turtle world.
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