You may remember hearing about one of our past loggerhead patients named Cupid who was admitted this past Valentines day after a boat strike injury. After stabilizing her shell fracture, rehab staff began to focus on what seemed to be a neurological issue. Various water levels proved to be challenging for her as she seemed to be struggling to get to the surface for a breath of air and would flip almost completely upside down in her rehab tank. After a little TLC, rehab staff decided to give Cupid another chance. Rather than keeping her in a small 800 gallon rehab tank we decided to “test swim” her in our large 30,000 gallon hurricane tanks behind our hospital. Two rehabbing staff stayed by her side and through a little reassurance Cupid finally began looking like the majestic loggerhead she was meant to be. For the past week she has continued to show improvement and will hopefully be deemed releasable soon.
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