To celebrate the upcoming Earth Day Thursday, The Turtle Hospital in Marathon would like to invite residents and guests to the Keys to witness the[…]
Kentucky, a small sub adult Loggerhead, was rescued March 25th from the beach at Sunshine Key. This thin sea turtle had suffered a shark bite[…]
Pal, a 195 pound adult male Loggerhead, was rescued March 24th off of Sunshine Key. At first glance, Pal appears to be a very large[…]
Toni, a sub-adult Loggerhead, was admitted March 3rd 2010. She was found floating near Key Colony Beach. Toni was thin and weak but responded immediately[…]
Bubble Butt, our first and longest permanent resident, will be celebrating his 21 year anniversary at The Turtle Hospital! Bubble Butt was rescued on[…]
The Turtle Hospital would like to thank Byrne, a very ambitious young man who decided he wanted to help save sea turtles. Byrne decided to[…]
The Turtle Hospital would like to sincerely thank The Jolly Roger Travel Park for their Valentine’s Day Fundraiser. Several sea turtles have been rescued from[…]
The FWC had received several calls from people fishing from the Long Key Bridge, reporting a sea turtle that appeared to have mono filament fishing[…]
Ali, Gumbo, Cracker, Josie and Sharkey have a new home. The Weymouth Sealife Center in Dorset England requested 5 of our permanent residents to be[…]
Over the course of 3 days, during some of the coldest temperatures on record for Florida, The Turtle Hospital admitted 178 cold stunned turtles (Loggerheads,[…]
The Holiday show from Ireland arrived at The Turtle Hospital November 20th to film for their newest series. Ciara Whelan and Jon Slattery travel from[…]
Mrs. Simpson’s fourth grade class raised money to adopt “Bender” from the Turtle Hospital for their teacher for her birthday. This is the second[…]