Johnny, (a sub adult Loggerhead Sea Turtle that was rehabilitated after a vicious machete attack) was given a celebrity send off today. The release was[…]
Rescued in May 2008, Sancho was treated for an infection which was causing the sub adult Loggerhead Sea Turtle to float. Turtle Hospital staff performed[…]
August 27, 2008 Two sub adult Loggerhead Sea Turtles were released just North of the Seven Mile Bridge in Marathon. Pearl had been rescued in[…]
JUNE 23, 2008 Smitty, a sub adult Loggerhead Sea Turtle, was released just North of the Seven Mile Bridge in Marathon. Admitted in January 2008,[…]
June 17, 2008 Cuda, a juvenile Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle, was admitted to the hospital in March 2008. The small turtle had nylon line wound[…]
June 8, 2008 Two sub adult Green Sea Turtles were released aprox 8 mile North of Marathon. Agnes had been hit by a boat and[…]
June 2, 2008 Two Hawksbill Sea Turtles were released near the Contents Keys. Fito (a post hatchling) had been found floating in a high boat[…]
TREY Release May 31, 2008 Trey is a juvenile Green Sea Turtle that had several surgeries to remove external fibropapilloma tumors and endoscope inspection to[…]
May 30, 2008 Peter is a juvenile Loggerhead Sea Turtle that was found floating in a boat basin off of Stirrup Key in Marathon, January[…]
APRIL 9, 2008 BRANDY a 342 pound adult Green Sea Turtle was transported back to the Marquesas Keys area (aprox 40 miles West of KeyWest) […]
KYLE (April 6,2008) Local Marathon residents Brenda and Kyle Staley were enjoying Coco Plum Beach with their dogs when Kyle discovered a juvenile Green Sea[…]
February 17, 2008 PICO, a juvenile Green Sea Turtle was rescued in December 2006, when found floating and having multiple fibropapilloma tumors. Doctor Doug Mader[…]