Green sea turtles Mickey and Sekoi and our one resident Kemp’s Ridley, Bender, gained some weight in the past weeks, but not from overeating! Turtle[…]
Four-year permanent resident O.D. is packing on the pounds this week with a newly fitted temporary weight belt. Rehab staff member–and quite the engineer–Gunnar created[…]
Aug 15, 2008 The FWC received reports of a floating turtle in the area of French reef. The initial response boat was unable to manage the[…]
We are frequently asked about our patients, what type of care is required and our facility. The Turtle Hospital has a 100,000 gallon salt water[…]
Bender, a Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle, was rescued on February 17, 2005 from Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida. The Kemp’s Ridley is the[…]
Montel was brought to the hospital on April 6, 2001 with a number of problems. Half of Montel’s right front flipper was missing from[…]
Rebel, an adult Loggerhead, came to the hospital in August of 1991. He had suffered a boat hit resulting in paralysis of his rear flippers[…]
April, a mature male Green sea turtle, arrived at the Turtle Hospital in April of 1990 with Fibropapilloma tumors on his neck and covering both[…]
Bubble-Butt, an adult male Green sea turtle, has been a resident at the Hospital longer than any other turtle! He arrived in March of 1989[…]
Kent is a sub-adult Green sea turtle. Kent is one of the most stubborn turtles we have right now. Kent was found floating rear-end-up in[…]
Sekoi is an adorable juvenile Green sea turtle. Sekoi was found off Treasure Island, Florida on April 9th, 2006 and was brought to the Clearwater[…]
Randy Rudy, a Hawksbill Sea Turtle, was rescued and brought to the Hospital after a shark attack on May 16, 2004. An emergency response boat[…]