Barrett is our newest patient here at The Turtle Hospital. He was found in the waters around Coral Gables, Florida outside of a marina. He[…]
Many folks who have visited The Turtle Hospital in the past few months are inquiring about the progress of some of our boat hit survivors. […]
Another loggerhead arrived at the Turtle Hospital after being picked up by FWC during the annual at-sea research. A blood sample onboard showed the turtle[…]
On Sunday, June 17, the Turtle Hospital received a report about a sea turtle swimming in circles and floundering near a sand bar at Boca[…]
Our newest patient, a 200-lb subadult (but nearly adult!) loggerhead, arrived June 21. During FWC and NOAA’s annual on-water loggerhead round-up, collecting data on the turtle population[…]
The day finally arrived when Mallory, a juvenile green, had strong enough blood chemistry to undergo laser surgery for FP tumor removals. Mallory came in malnourished[…]
Our two loggerhead post-hatchlings, Finn and Fisher, are living large these days. Both turtles have moved just around the bend from the shallow hatchling tanks[…]
On Wednesday, 18 April, five sea turtles lined up in The Turtle Hospital’s designated “waiting area.” All of these juvenile greens have external fibropapilloma tumors and were[…]
Itty bitty washback post-hatchling, Finn, was found floating in a bed of seagrass on April 11th–with only one fully functional flipper! This loggerhead is probably[…]
Colorado is a 161-pound loggerhead that was admitted to the hospital on March 25th with four boat propeller strikes toward the rear of his shell. He was[…]
Mallory completed the influx of sea turtles needing rehab–4 in 4 days!–when she arrived on April 2nd. This green sub-adult is being treated for buoyancy[…]
Another green sea turtle came to us on March 13th with an old boat strike to the back end of the carapace, coupled with developing[…]