Posts in Current Patients Blog




March 2025

The Turtle Hospital Welcomes Barrett!!

Barrett is our newest patient here at The Turtle Hospital. He was found in the waters around Coral Gables, Florida outside of a marina. He[…]

Boat Hit Turtle Updates

Many folks who have visited The Turtle Hospital in the past few months are inquiring about the progress of some of our boat hit survivors. […]

Welcome, Nicole!

Another loggerhead arrived at the Turtle Hospital after being picked up by FWC during the annual at-sea research.  A blood sample onboard showed the turtle[…]

Jill, A Beautiful Green

On Sunday, June 17, the Turtle Hospital received a report about a sea turtle swimming in circles and floundering near a sand bar at Boca[…]

Fiesta, the Party Girl

Our newest patient, a 200-lb subadult (but nearly adult!) loggerhead, arrived June 21.  During FWC and NOAA’s annual on-water loggerhead round-up, collecting data on the turtle population[…]

Mallory Beats the Laser

The day finally arrived when Mallory, a juvenile green, had strong enough blood chemistry to undergo laser surgery for FP tumor removals.  Mallory came in malnourished[…]

Big Upgrades for Little Turtles

Our two loggerhead post-hatchlings, Finn and Fisher, are living large these days.  Both turtles have moved just around the bend from the shallow hatchling tanks[…]

The Endoscopy Queue

On Wednesday, 18 April, five sea turtles lined up in The Turtle Hospital’s designated “waiting area.”  All of these juvenile greens have external fibropapilloma tumors and were[…]

One Flipper Wonder

Itty bitty washback post-hatchling, Finn, was found floating in a bed of seagrass on April 11th–with only one fully functional flipper!  This loggerhead is probably[…]

Welcome to Colorado!

Colorado is a 161-pound loggerhead that was admitted to the hospital on March 25th with four boat propeller strikes toward the rear of his shell. He was[…]

New FP Patient Mallory

Mallory completed the influx of sea turtles needing rehab–4 in 4 days!–when she arrived on April 2nd. This green sub-adult is being treated for buoyancy[…]

Reginald Survives a Boat Strike

Another green sea turtle came to us on March 13th with an old boat strike to the back end of the carapace, coupled with developing[…]