Posts in Current Patients Blog




March 2025

Watch Good Hope’s Eggs Get Incubated!

As of 5:45 PM today, September 7, Good Hope has laid a total of 25 eggs.  We promised we’d keep you posted with daily updates,[…]

“Good Hope” Continues Laying Eggs

  After the arrival of adult female and critically endangered Hawskbill “Good Hope” from St. Croix on the night of September 2, our turtle patient continues to get[…]

Tiny “Timmy” Has Heavy FP Load

The surprise of a sea turtle certainly livened up a frustrating day of lobstering for the Plaugher family on August 31.  About the size of[…]

“Daisy” Gets Some Sunshine From TH Staff

Juvenile green “Daisy” was found floating 10 miles northwest of Marathon on September 4.  Lori and Kevin called in the turtle from aboard Kevin’s boat.  Daisy is[…]

Turtle Exams, Including Endoscope Footage!

Yesterday was a busy day at The Turtle Hospital.  Three of our turtle patients were pulled from their rehab tanks for medical examinations, two of[…]

How Our Turtles Fared TS Isaac

    Tropical Storm Isaac swept through theFlorida Keysmid-day yesterday, August 26, but The Turtle Hospital was already well-prepared.  Anticipating a CAT 1 hurricane in[…]

Fiesta Eats a Lobster–Video Footage!

  Our “party girl,” a nearly 200-lb loggerhead named Fiesta, has been through a lot these past few months.  The survivor of a boat hit,[…]

Welcome Stella!

On August 18, 2012, The Turtle Hospital received a call from a man named Bryan and his family who came across a large turtle floating on[…]

Jill’s Circles are Straightening!

“Straight circle” sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s a term we’re becoming accustomed to here at The Turtle Hospital.  Two months ago, we welcomed juvenile[…]

Happy Birthday Fisher!

‘Fisher’, a post-hatchling Loggerhead, hatched from her egg one year ago on August 17, 2011. Fisher weighed in at a whopping 18.56 grams after emerging from[…]

9 New Hatchlings!

The Turtle Hospital welcomed 9 hatchlings today, late bloomers who were lethargic out of the nest.  At only one-day old, each is about the size of a[…]

New Patient “Hunter” Got Hooked

Yesterday afternoon, The Turtle Hospital received a phone call from a man named John regarding a floating loggerhead.  John and a crew of friends and[…]