Posts in Current Patients Blog




January 2025

Turtle Exams, Including Endoscope Footage!

Yesterday was a busy day at The Turtle Hospital.  Three of our turtle patients were pulled from their rehab tanks for medical examinations, two of[…]

How Our Turtles Fared TS Isaac

    Tropical Storm Isaac swept through theFlorida Keysmid-day yesterday, August 26, but The Turtle Hospital was already well-prepared.  Anticipating a CAT 1 hurricane in[…]

Fiesta Eats a Lobster–Video Footage!

  Our “party girl,” a nearly 200-lb loggerhead named Fiesta, has been through a lot these past few months.  The survivor of a boat hit,[…]

Welcome Stella!

On August 18, 2012, The Turtle Hospital received a call from a man named Bryan and his family who came across a large turtle floating on[…]

Jill’s Circles are Straightening!

“Straight circle” sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s a term we’re becoming accustomed to here at The Turtle Hospital.  Two months ago, we welcomed juvenile[…]

Happy Birthday Fisher!

‘Fisher’, a post-hatchling Loggerhead, hatched from her egg one year ago on August 17, 2011. Fisher weighed in at a whopping 18.56 grams after emerging from[…]

9 New Hatchlings!

The Turtle Hospital welcomed 9 hatchlings today, late bloomers who were lethargic out of the nest.  At only one-day old, each is about the size of a[…]

New Patient “Hunter” Got Hooked

Yesterday afternoon, The Turtle Hospital received a phone call from a man named John regarding a floating loggerhead.  John and a crew of friends and[…]

The Turtle Hospital Welcomes Barrett!!

Barrett is our newest patient here at The Turtle Hospital. He was found in the waters around Coral Gables, Florida outside of a marina. He[…]

Boat Hit Turtle Updates

Many folks who have visited The Turtle Hospital in the past few months are inquiring about the progress of some of our boat hit survivors. […]

Welcome, Nicole!

Another loggerhead arrived at the Turtle Hospital after being picked up by FWC during the annual at-sea research.  A blood sample onboard showed the turtle[…]

Jill, A Beautiful Green

On Sunday, June 17, the Turtle Hospital received a report about a sea turtle swimming in circles and floundering near a sand bar at Boca[…]