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March 2025

Join Us for Very Special Public Sea Turtle Release Tuesday, May 7th at Sombrero Beach, Marathon!

Meet Mr. T, a magnificent adult male loggerhead sea turtle weighing in at just under 200 pounds. Mr. T was rescued offshore of Tavernier in[…]

Public Sea Turtle Release Wednesday, May 1st at Sombrero Beach, Marathon!

Timmy, a juvenile green sea turtle is going back to his ocean home! Join us for a Public Sea Turtle Release this Wednesday, May 1st[…]

April in main pool


no images were found           April Intake: 4/1/91 Species: Green Weight: 170 lbs. Reason: FP Gender: Male   BIO: April came in[…]

Valentine’s Day Public Sea Turtle Release in Key West

Join us on Thursday, February 14th at Higg’s Beach, Key West, behind Salute! restaurant, 1000 Atlantic Blvd. for a Public Sea Turtle Release at 1:00[…]

Public Sea Turtle Release FRIDAY February 8th at Sombrero Beach!

Lady Bradley, a beautiful 170 pound sub-adult loggerhead sea turtle will be returned to her ocean home on Friday, February 8th at 1:00 p.m. Lady[…]

Saving Sea Turtles Movie Screening

This weekend, January 26 & 27 we will be having a screening of “Saving Sea Turtles.” A true story of people coming together to save[…]

Public Sea Turtle Release Saturday, December 29th!

Donatello, a 170 pound sub-adult loggerhead sea turtle is going home for the holidays! Join us for a Public Sea Turtle Release this Saturday, December[…]

Kemp’s Ridley Cold Stun

Sea turtles can get cold too! Because sea turtles are reptiles, they get their body temperature from the water temperature. Which is why sea turtles[…]

Update on Shelmore

We are happy to report Shelmore’s condition is improving. He is growing stronger and becoming more active. He is still on antibiotics to clear up[…]

Two Opportunities to Join us for a Public Release on Saturday 9/29

First up, in Marathon- Cafecito at Sombrero Beach at 10 am . . . Cafecito – a 160 pound adult male loggerhead sea turtle was[…]

Shelmore’s Suprise

After 32 years of being The Turtle Hospital, there’s not a lot that we haven’t seen before. While each patient is different, the injuries we[…]

Very Special Public Sea Turtle Release Friday 7/20

We have two majestic sea turtles ready for release.  A 365 pound adult female green (the second largest turtle ever to be treated at the Turtle[…]

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