Bender, a Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle, was rescued on February 17, 2005 from Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida. The Kemp’s Ridley is the[…]
Ali was rescued on June 23, 2001 from Rabbit Key, Florida and was named after the famous boxer, Muhammad Ali (due to some personality similarities).[…]
Montel was brought to the hospital on April 6, 2001 with a number of problems. Half of Montel’s right front flipper was missing from[…]
Rebel, an adult Loggerhead, came to the hospital in August of 1991. He had suffered a boat hit resulting in paralysis of his rear flippers[…]
April, a mature male Green sea turtle, arrived at the Turtle Hospital in April of 1990 with Fibropapilloma tumors on his neck and covering both[…]
Bubble-Butt, an adult male Green sea turtle, has been a resident at the Hospital longer than any other turtle! He arrived in March of 1989[…]
Bubbles, an adult male Loggerhead, was rescued from Tavernier Creek, Florida on July 7 2002. He was hit by a boat, resulting in spinal[…]
Nov 20, 2007 Bowser is an adult Loggerhead Sea Turtle and had been rescued from the South side of Content Passage in July 2007. Found[…]
Oct 28, 2007 SANCHEZ a juvenile Hawksbill Sea Turtle was found by a local fisherman on the Bay side of Boca Chica Bridge. Braided fishing[…]
Transferred from Sea World in February of 2000, Tam, a Green sea turtle, suffered a boat hit. The boat hit left Tam as a permanent[…]
Another juvenile Green sea turtle, Zone, was originally rescued by Sea World on July 22, 2002. He was found with lacerations on his plastron (his[…]
Oct 15, 2007 KUMQUAT JONES a sub adult Loggerhead Sea Turtle was rescued in Florida Bay, just South of the Arsniker Keys. The turtle was[…]