Earlier in January, an 80 lb green sea turtle named “Paul” was admitted to our hospital with a humongous sized tumor growing on his right[…]
Wednesday, February 12th was a big day for the stranding hotline at the hospital with two turtles being admitted within hours of each other. The[…]
Thanks to everyone who helped us wish good-luck to Kristi and Gizmo who swam back out to sea on Valentine’s Day! The event was very[…]
A Very Special Public Sea Turtle Release Planned for Valentine’s Day! Gizmo and Kristi February 14, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. On the beach behind[…]
Saturday February 8th, ended with two new turtles to add to our group. First, Stanley was rescued offshore of Key Largo by three guys out[…]
Soon after the rescue of Simcha, Archer, and Kristi, January ended with a final two rescued turtles; Squirt and Francis. We were also sad to[…]