In the past 4 days, we have been busy admitting 3 Subadult Loggerhead sea turtles! The amazing rescues got these turtles to safety: “Simcha”-77lbs, “Kristi”-118lbs,[…]
Turtle Hospital staff began early yesterday morning, pulling turtles from their tanks while still dark for a road trip north. The ambulance was packed with[…]
Elena and Moses are both juvenile Green sea turtles that were struck by boat propellers. Both turtles also had Fibropapilloma tumors and Elena was even[…]
The past couple of days have been very busy with surgeries for Juvenile Greens with Fibropapilloma tumors. Two of these turtles, Curly and Augustus, previously[…]
Rescuers: Grace and Claire Holman, and also Anna Skochdopole On December 30 these three ladies found a very special surprise in the canal behind[…]