Posts from March 2013




March 2013

Scrub Days

Depending on the time of year and the turtle, every now and again the permanent residents are pulled out for scrubbing. The 11 permanent resident[…]

Grace Gets Tagged!

Turtle Hospital staff is getting ready for our next release! Today, a pre-release exam was completed in preparation for the release of a subadult Loggerhead[…]

Timmy’s Tumor Free!

At the end of August 2012, a tiny Green named Timmy arrived at the hospital, found floating and debilitated from Fibropapilloma tumors. After a few[…]

Splash Gets Rescued in Key Largo

Turtle Hospital received patient number 30 yesterday afternoon! This little one was spotted by turtle rescuer Melinda Smith in Key Largo. After seeing this turtle a[…]

Turtle Check-ups

In addition to the 18 turtles currently undergoing rehabilitation, The Turtle Hospital houses 11 “permanent resident” turtles that have been deemed non-releasable. For several different[…]

Dash Gets Better!

On December 10, 2012, The Turtle Hospital received a new patient found by Biscayne National Park Rangers Katie and Christina. Along with fibropappiloma tumors, this[…]

Sea Turtle Workshop Reaches Across the Seas

Veterinarians and sea turtle professionals from around the globe attended the 20th annual Florida Keys Sea Turtle Workshop hosted by The Turtle Hospital. For a[…]

Right Place at the Right Time

Last Wednesday was an extremely busy day here at the hospital.  In the morning, as we had three turtles undergoing surgery for FP tumor removal,[…]

Surgery Day for Green Sea Turtles

Fitzy under anaesthesia for laser surgery. Last Wednesday, March 6, three juvenile green sea turtles went under surgery here at The Turtle Hospital. Fitzy, Shiny,[…]

New Patient Cupid & Update

On February 14, Valentine’s Day, The Turtle Hospital received a call about a turtle swimming in circles. Two neighbors in Marathon, Gerry DuBois and Margie[…]