Today was a BIG day for staff at The Turtle Hospital and for the Zinsmeister family. Residents of Winter Haven, FL, Tom, Chris and Zach Zinsmeister came[…]
Over the past month, The Turtle Hospital has seen more then 200 elementary students walk through its doors. Starting with the Easter weekend and continuing[…]
Juvenile green FP turtle “Tini” was moved recently from a tank to a quadrant in the main tidal pool (known as “Quad 2” to the[…]
Who knew there was a day that could be all about turtles?? Celebrate World Turtle Day with The Turtle Hospital and the Florida Keys Save-a-Turtle[…]
Bubble Butt and The Turtle Hospital would like to thank the students at Ellis Elementary School in Belleville, IL for their generous donation to help[…]
Gov. Scott Releases Mended Sea Turtle Off Keys « CBS Miami. Florida Governor Rick Scott recently made a trip to the Keys where he stopped at[…]
Recovering in a hospital tank can be quite boring for a sea turtle that would normally have all kinds of stimulation from their natural enviornment.[…]
Green sea turtles Mickey and Sekoi and our one resident Kemp’s Ridley, Bender, gained some weight in the past weeks, but not from overeating! Turtle[…]