A juvenile Green sea turtle, named Squirt by her rescuers, was found floating off shore. The little sea turtle was struggling to dive and floating[…]
Brandy II, a 160 pound female Loggerhead, was rescued from Fort Zachary Beach in Key West. She was on the beach nesting when bright lights[…]
Duncan, a 70 pound adult male Hawksbill, was rescued June 20th 2010. Duncan was found listlessly floating and unresponsive by concerned good Samaritans who called[…]
Wilma, a nearly 200 pound adult female Loggerhead, has been at The Turtle Hospital for 9 long months after being rescued October 25th 2009. Wilma[…]
On Friday, July 16th 2010, Sunset Grille & Raw Bar and Captain Hook’s Marina & Dive Center are going to host the Third Annual Chicken[…]