Mare TV, a popular German television program and educational magazine, recently spent a day at The Turtle Hospital learning about sea turtles in the Florida[…]
Shan’Jon is a sub-adult Loggerhead sea turtle. Shan’Jon came to the hospital on January 5th, 2007 from Little Knock ’em Down Key. He was found[…]
Candy (Feb 22, 2008) Home owners in Tavinier reported a turtle floating off the end of their 500 foot dock. Turtle Hospital staff responded and[…]
“Shelly” a juvenile Green Sea Turtle was rescued from a canal in Key West on Dec 30, 2007. Reported “floating” by local residents, this turtle[…]
Richie Moretti, founder and director of The Turtle Hospital, recently received the prestigious IFAW Animal Action Award. The award, given on behalf of the International[…]
The Turtle Hospital was hit hard by Hurricane Wilma in October of 2005, however we are still standing on this, the second anniversary of the[…]
The Turtle Hospital recently admitted our first leatherback sea turtle to the facility. The giant leatherback maxed-out our scale; weighing in at over 600 pounds[…]