Meet Mr. T, a magnificent adult male loggerhead sea turtle weighing in at just under 200 pounds. Mr. T was rescued offshore of Tavernier in early February. Mr. T was floating and had a fishing hook with trailing line lodged in his mouth. With the help of the USCG Mr. T was rescued and transported in the turtle ambulance to the Turtle Hospital for treatment. An endoscopy procedure revealed a large tear in one of Mr. T’s lungs. Surgeries were performed at the Turtle Hospital to remove the hook from Mr. T’s mouth and to apply a blood patch to help repair the tear in Mr. T’s lung. Other treatment included broad spectrum antibiotics, IV nutrition, pain medication, vitamins and a healthy diet of fish and squid. Mr. T is fully recovered and ready to return to his ocean home just in time for sea turtle mating season in the Florida Keys! Mr. T will be fitted with a small transmitter for tracking purposes. Please join us on Tuesday May 7th at Sombrero Beach in Marathon to help us celebrate Mr. T’s return to the sea. The Turtle Hospital ambulance will arrive at the beach with Mr. T at 3:30 p.m. with release promptly at 4:00 p.m. “I pity the fool” that misses this incredible opportunity to join us for a very special public sea turtle release;-)
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